Tidy Cats Glade Tough Odor Solutions Cat Litter Review
23-pound boxes, 14, 20, and 40-pound jugs, and 35-pound pails
Clay composition
Acceptable clumping
Handles feces with ease
Low dust levels
Goes through product quickly
Struggles with urine
Some tracking

Tidy Cats Glade Tough Odor Solutions Cat Litter Review
Last Updated by Brandon F. on June 7, 2020
Advertised Product Description
This is our Tidy Cats Glade Tough Odor Solutions Cat Litter Review. Tidy Cats Glade Tough Odor Solutions cat litter combines the power of Tidy Cats with the odor-fighting ability of Glade to make an effective solution to your cat litter problems. The Glade Tough Odor Solution gives a refreshing clear spring scent to the litter while also helping to put smelly cat odors in their place. This is accomplished while maintaining strong clumps that lock in all moisture and a 99.6% dust-free promise. This product is available in 23-pound boxes, 14, 20, and 40-pound jugs, and 35-pound pails.
Who This Cat Litter is Intended For
This cat litter is designed for multi-cat households who have struggled to keep cat waste odors in check while using other products. They are looking for a standard clay product that also has clumping capabilities. Also, they and their cat don’t mind the use of artificial scents to help combat the strong cat odors. Finally, they are willing to spend a bit extra for a product that works even if it sneaks up into the highest price tier.
What Makes This Cat Litter Unique
This cat litter is unique because it jumps straight into what many consider the toughest litter scenario: a busy litter box shared by several cats. Also, it does so by using straightforward clumping clay and advertises the fact that things will smell nice through the usage of Glade scents.
Clumping Ability – 
This product clumps fine and should not be a major concern unless the clumps are exposed to extreme amounts of liquids. The clumps harden reasonably quick and should stay hard for up to a week before issues may arise. The clumps that do form tend to be on the larger size and since the granules of this litter are small it uses a lot more product for each clump which means you might go through a bag quicker than you would have hoped.
For the most part, the clumps stay at the top and are easily identifiable and most fluids are trapped as well. If you start to see pools of urine forming it is important to address this and remove that portion of litter quickly to keep things from deteriorating.
Scent – 
There is a unique smell with this product, and many might be turned a bit off by it. It is a sort of chemical smell that is attempted to be masked by the forced Glade spring smell. We see what they were trying to go for but feel that they went a bit overboard on trying to cover it up.
We assume that since they knew this product would be used in multi-cat boxes, Tidy Cats decided to amp up the potency of their perfume a bit. In regards to fighting off feces smells it does a good job since they are well-encompassed in the litter. Urine can be a bit trickier and you might get whiffs of ammonia especially in built-up areas.
Messiness – 
Overall the dust levels are lower than your typical clay litters. What dust that exists is quite potent of a perfume scent, however, and tends to carry it around. There is minor tracking and some of the granules might stick to your longer-haired cats. Clump cleanup is simple as the clumps are large, hard, and easily identifiable. Urine can sometimes complicate matters but for the most part, if you monitor it and make sure it doesn’t get out of hand then it should be worry-free.
Value – 
Online prices for this product vary but oftentimes fall into the premium-price location. This is not very good, particularly when you consider that this is a clay litter that tends to be the most affordable type of cat litter.
Overall Rating – 
The Tidy Cats Glade Tough Odor Solutions Cat Litter Review earns 2.5 out of 5 cats. The clumping is decent and the odor neutralization is serviceable, but the price is just a bit too high in our opinion for what you are getting. The main selling point, the glad scent, is also too strong and maybe a turn off to your or your cat. You won’t be overly disappointed with the features of this litter but we feel you can achieve the same results with several cheaper options.