Best Cat Litter Attractant

Updated by Brandon F. on May 7, 2020
Several of our readers have reached out to us asking about cat attractants. Are they necessary? Do they work? Are they safe? What is the best cat litter attractant? These and many other questions have been put in front of us by quite a few of you.
To help with this, we decided to write a guide about cat litter attractants. We will discuss what exactly a cat litter attractant comprises of as well as list out some of our top choices.
You can check out our table below for some of the best cat litter attractants on the market right now. To read the rest of our guide, simply scroll on down!

What is Cat Litter Attractant?
As the name suggests, a cat attractant is designed to do just that: attract cats!
But how does it accomplish that, exactly?
The secret to cat litter attractants lies in their scent. A cat litter attractant will produce a scent that naturally elicits positive feelings in cats. It comforts and draws them to its source, similar to how catnip operates (in fact, many cat attractant brands will use essentially the same ingredients found in certain catnips).
Specifically, these ingredients will be a variety of herbs, including the perennial herb from the Labiatae plant. This plant produces an oil called nepetalactone which affects the behavior in cats. Other popular ingredients include timothy, alfalfa flowers, rosemary, and more.
Since some cats may struggle with adapting to using a litter box, cat litter attractant is a good way to help fix that problem.
You may also have seen certain cat litters that incorporate an attractant directly into them. One of our favorite examples of this is Dr. Esley’s Precious Cat Ultra Cat Attract. This litter was a huge hit for us and is among the top-rated cat litters that we have ever tested! It combines the proven performance of many of the Precious Cat litters on the market with the added effect of having a litter attractant mixed right in with it!
Is Cat Litter Attractant Necessary?
Cat litter attractant is definitely not necessary in many cases. If your cat has no problem properly using his or her litter box, then a cat litter attractant would really not provide any real benefit to you or your cat (outside of potentially making them more excited to use the restroom!).
However, if your cat is struggling to properly use their litter box, then a cat litter attractant is definitely something worth looking into.
There are quite a few cases where a cat may have issues using their litter box:
-A kitten who is learning the ins and outs of using a litter box.
-An older cat with health issues that are causing them to not properly use a litter box like they used to.
-A cat who is adapting to a new litter box and/or new litter box location and is having trouble acclimating to it.
-A multi-cat household where you are attempting to teach your cats to use their own respected litter boxes (or on the opposite end of the spectrum, training them to all use the same litter box).
That being said if you notice that your cat is having issues properly going to the restroom, be sure to discuss it with your vet first. While cat litter attractants can be a great help, they are no replacement for the medical advice that your vet can give you.
Is Cat Litter Attractant Safe?
Cat litter attractants are extremely safe. Typically, they will contain no harsh chemicals, perfumes, or dyes. In addition, the elements used in them are non-toxic (since some cats are prone to try eating it, similar to how they will eat catnip).
Cats cannot “overdose” on cat litter attractant. And since it is quite concentrated, they will only experience the effects of it when near their litter box. You don’t have to worry about all the surrounding air being saturated with overpowering smells from the attractants. In fact, once mixed in with your litter, you will likely not smell it at all unless you are right up next to the litter sticking your nose in it.
Many of the containers of cat litter box attractants are designed to mix 100+ pounds of cat litter. So be sure to not go crazy with applications starting out. Not because it will be harmful to your cat but simply because you will be wasting product.
How to Use Cat Litter Attractant
Typically, cat litter attractant will come in a small plastic container with holes at the top once you open it up. This allows you to sprinkle it similar to how you would sprinkle carpet freshener on your carpet. There really is no set maximum or minimum that you should use. Instead, try out a few different concentrations of it until you find that happy medium that works best for you and your cat.
We prefer to sprinkle it on top and leave it be. Some people may opt to sprinkle and then mix the attractant in with the rest of the litter. However, this can submerge some of the product and make it less effective in attracting the cat’s attention.
Best Cat Litter Attractant: Our Choices
Now that we have discussed what a cat litter attractant is, how it works, and who it is intended for, let’s go over some of our favorite products.
Dr. Elsey’s Precious Cat Ultra Litter Attractant
Probably our favorite attractant out right now, Precious Cat Ultra Litter Attractant is a widely popular product in the pet world. And you likely recognize the brand name: Dr. Elsey’s has been a global leader in cat litter for years now. Their Cat Litter Attractant has an earthy, almost mulch-like smell that many cats simply love. We believe that this is the same stuff that they mix into their Cat Attract Cat Litter. You will definitely note hints of alfalfa in the scent. A little bit seems to go a long way so start off with just a sprinkle and build up from there until you get your desired results.
Fresh Step Litter Box Attractant
Another popular product, Fresh Step’s Attractant is really targeted for kitty litter training. However, we have found it to be quite good at helping with older cats as well. It is all-natural and doesn’t have any harsh chemicals or perfumes. You will also smell the alfalfa in this product along with other nice scents such as rosemary. It may smell quite overpowering when you first apply it but this small quickly mellows out to the point where it is hardly noticeable (except to your cat).
Cat Attract Cat Attractant
This product is a bit less popular but its very straightforward name cuts to the chase of what it does: attract cats! We have found that the overall scent, consistency, and performance of this product is extremely similar to Precious Cat’s product mentioned above. And it comes in essentially the same size as a container. So we would recommend going with whichever one you can find that is cheaper to buy.
Simple Solution Litter Attractant
Another offering from a lesser-known brand, Simple Solution has its own form of attractant available online. The consistency of this product is a little different than the ones outlined above but it still performs quite well. Our only issue with it is that it may tend to soak up urine, creating some ammonia smells. The remedy to this issue is to simply use a bit less of it. But the positive is that it tends to be quite affordable.
We hope that this guide on the best cat attractants will be of benefit to you. Cat attractants play an essential role in cats both young and old. And knowing how it works and when to use it is another step in providing the best bathroom environment for your feline friend.